Monday, October 26, 2009

The Weather And The Environment

Truth is hard to come by in any discipline, and when it comes to weather, it is particularly difficult to come by. But pearls of truth do exist, real, recorded observations are true; meticulously researched and appropriately peer-reviewed research can establish clear patterns, and dependable data. Weather is fickle and challenges even the very best, the most highly educated, and those with the longest experience.

Weather forecasting is a hazardous business, and largely futile and frustrating because the weather often will not cooperate with the forecasts. With all our technology, satellites, weather balloons, multiple reporting stations, computers, and the internet, weather forecasters still get blind sided by the weather: a cold front inexplicably stalls, local temperatures spike up or down while locales surrounding this area do not, micro bursts strike an area without warning and almost always without a prediction from the local weather forecasters. So when someone claims to predict what the weather will be 20, 40, or 100 years in the future, pardon me if I don’t believe it.

Truth becomes even more difficult when major contributors to what we know, engage in a well orchestrated effort to deceive, to skew the data, to publish only one side of the issue, or publish without peer review, and often without research. And worse, these same contributors go to great lengths to silence their detractors. Al Gore’s infamous “the debate is over,” declaration should be published in every textbook and printed on every editorial page of every newspaper in the world, showing the idiocy of such a closed minded statement. Gore only wished the debate was over, in truth, it was only beginning. If he can stifle the debate, then he wins the argument, if not, then the truth will come out and he will look rather foolish in the end.

The environmental cartel engages in every controlling, deceptive, and manipulative effort imaginable, in an attempt to limit what people know about the environment, and in this case, global warming. For example environmentalists really, really want global warming to be a really, really bad thing. They are more than “religious” about stopping growth, development, logging, mining, ATV trails, hunting, farming, driving, dam building, power plant building, and just about any other modern activity. It is their belief that the earth, all of it, should be left in its pristine state, undisturbed, and unused by man in any way. Just how they propose to do this with 6 billion people living on it they don’t say, but the inference is that most of those people need to go away, and only a few of the environmentally pure should remain to enjoy and protect the undisturbed planet.

In 1996 the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) of the United Nations, published it’s now famous report. The report was “approved” on November 30, 1995. But the only significant line in the 586 page report, a last minute change, made after midnight, with most of the delegates gone from the room, and without the knowledge of most of those who contributed to the report, stated “the balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible human influence on global climate.” But no evidence of this wild claim was contained in the report, no studies cited, and no names attached to the statement. It was an editorial opinion slipped into a supposedly scientific document by the environmental authors.

The former head of the National Academy of Sciences, Frederick Seitz, said of the IPCC report, “I have never witnessed a more disturbing corruption of the peer-review process than the events that led to the IPCC report.” That is because there was no peer review of this outrageous conclusion.

Ironically, 1996 was the coldest year in a decade, but environmentalists are never deterred by contradicting data, their zeal is religious, and we are expected to simply accept their conclusions on faith. Sadly, the environmental movement has succeeded in controlling what goes into virtually every textbook in America, and have legions of true believers in the media who are more than willing to publish their deceptive conclusions.

CO2 levels increase in the fall and winter months, then decrease in the Spring and Summer months. Global warming alarmists want to use only the Fall and Winter numbers (increasing figures), and ignore the Spring and Summer declining figures, thus skewing the truth.

“There is no evidence that climate variability or hazardous events (floods, tornadoes, heat waves, frost, and even volcanoes) would be more frequent as atmospheric carbon dioxide increases.” (Wittwer)

We are witnessing the greatest, orchestrated effort to deceive in modern history. The science is not there, the data is not there, and the debate is all one sided–the way environmentalist must have it in order to win their political battles. On a level playing field, with open debate, and a search for truth, environmentalism would look ridiculously stupid, and they can’t have that.

“The jet stream, which powers winter storms and which is forecast to become weaker with global warming, is getting stronger.” (Patrick Michaels, Professor of Envrionmental Sciences, University of Virginia.)

“Hurricanes are becoming weaker and the severe ones are less frequent.” (Michaels)

“The vast share of the planet’s small warming is in the coldest places in the dead of winter. The fact is there is no change at all in the area of the United States experiencing above normal temperatures, even as all climate models predict a dramatic rise.” (Michaels)

In virtually every case, environmental climate claims prove to be false. In nearly all supposed associations of global warming with dire and adverse world weather conditions, the truth proves otherwise. All climate models are worthless and should be dismissed out of hand. Polar bears can, and do, swim in Arctic waters for miles, they are never stranded on a floating piece of ice. The quantity of Arctic ice is actually increasing, the quantity of Antarctic ice is decreasing, so what? Weather cycles, it changes, then changes back, so what?

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