Monday, December 28, 2009

Gore's Gaffes and Frauds Exposed

In 1992 Al Gore was quoted as saying “I invented the internet.” Of course, Al Gore did no such thing, and he either has an exaggerated sense of his accomplishments, is delusional, or is dishonest. Gore has been the butt of jokes regarding this declaration ever since. And astoundingly, he made the statement with a completely straight face, the guy actually believed what he was saying.

In 2000 Al Gore, while running for president of the U.S. actually tried to manipulate the recount in Broward County, Florida. What he first tried to do is to tell the local election officials what votes to count, and what votes not to count, in order to throw the election for president his way. When that didn’t work, he went to court and convinced the Florida supreme court to count the votes his way, so he could win. Ultimately, George W. Bush had to go to the U.S. Supreme court to force a real recount, and count all the votes. Incredibly, Gore supporters have ever since accused Bush of stealing the election from Gore, when in fact it was Gore who attempted, but failed, to steal the election from Bush.

More recently, Gore took to the road visiting mostly elementary schools (those lacking sufficient education or knowledge to challenge his thesis) promoting his “An Inconvenient Truth” and displaying a power point presentation to lay out his theory about how the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to global warming, and thus, a long list of dire consequences result, such as melting ice caps, polar bear demise, rising ocean levels, drought, increased hurricane activity, etc. The only problem is, most of his presentation is false, as has been pointed out by numerous experts in the field. Primarily, that CO2 has little if any bearing on weather or global temperatures. His list of dire consequences are also bogus.

At the Copenhagen Climate Conference in December 2009, the former vice president said new research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years, and he quoted the scientist who did the research. However, the scientist who did the research contradicted Gore by saying, "It's unclear to me how this figure was arrived at," Dr. Maslowski said. "I did not estimate likelihood at anything as exact as this."

Gore obviously has difficulty telling the truth, yet government leaders and world figures continue to give him audience. Gore is guilty of exaggerating the truth, of fabricating the truth, of making up data, of falsely interpreting data, of putting words in the mouths of research scientists, of claiming credit for inventions he had nothing to do with, and the list goes on.

Regardless of the personality, the day that person’s dishonesty is revealed, who can then trust anything he says? We’re not talking about just being mistaken, or of having a differing opinion. Rather, Gore has a history of dishonesty, in a wide variety of venues. Why would he do this? He does it because he has an agenda, and he has a thirst for power. He believes the end justifies the means; say anything necessary to convince the public of his premises, and to elevate himself in the public view. His AGW campaign is only the latest of his charades to be exposed as a fraud. Amazingly the man is undeterred by his numerous failures, frauds and intellectual scams.

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