Friday, April 23, 2010

Climate Change and Brainwashing

I have argued for years that environmentalism is not about the environment, but about power. I’ve argued that global warming was not about global warming, but about power. And I’m still arguing that climate change is not about climate, but about a Marxist, totalitarian control over the lives of every person on earth.

A small think tank by the name of the Sutherland Institute, in Salt Lake City, has just published a study about the “educational” side of environmentalism.

The Sutherland Institute discovered a considerable educational presence. In Great Britain, they found that officials distributed copies of Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” film, with clear instructions on how to direct the discussion to insure students support Al Gore’s claims and policy proposals.

“Green” Activists
The study clearly showed “green activists” are making significant inroads into the public schools–at all levels. “There are many advocacy groups whose specific mission is to make “environmental education” (EE) the focus of schools. These groups view EE not as one important part of a well-rounded education but as a thread that should weave through every facet of school life.” In other words, they want to make environmentalism as the foundation of all educational disciplines, or make all other subjects subservient to environmentalism.

The report continues, “Organizations like the Green Education Foundation and Edutopia collect, design, and distribute educational materials that teachers can use to advance EE in schools. The mission of Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) is “to educate, inspire and activate students to curb climate change and its effects.”ACE also provides resources for teachers and holds assemblies in schools using “hip talk, animation and jokes” to teach children their version of climate change and to sign them up for their “anti-consumption (Americans are to blame) cause,” often without the consent of parents.”

Ninth Grade Brainwashing
A ninth-grade text asserts that “Mounting evidence suggests that the rate of global temperature changes over the past 150 years is largely due to human activity.” This statement overstates the facts. Other materials go much further.

One school district has provided several worksheets that single out human activities as the cause of global warming and that raise “alarming” scenarios. One fear-inducing scenario predicts that too much CO2 in the atmosphere could cause the Earth to become too hot to inhabit, like the planet Venus.

Two textbooks recommended for Environmental Science and high school Advanced Placement (A.P.) Environmental Science classes, includes this statement by William P. Cunningham, “our actions are now causing global climate change” and “an overwhelming majority now agree that there are unmistakable signals of human impacts on the world’s climate.” Nothing about “theory,” nothing equivocal, no apology, just straight statement of “fact.”

Textbook Permiation
Another textbook contains the following quote by Richard T. Wright, “The Earth is in the midst of an unsustainable rise in atmospheric greenhouse gas levels, the result of our intense use of fossil fuels. In short, we completely depend on a host of technologies that are threatening our future.” Again this is not presented as a theory, or even a controversial theory, but stated as fact and teachers are expected to “tow the party line” and teach this doctrine, whether it’s factual or not.

We could go on and on, but the point is this; environmental extremists, who care far less for the environment than they do for indoctrinating America’s young people into a Marxist style “green” youth corps, are very active in their religious zeal to spread the word about environmentalism. And these folks are not messing around, they mean business, they mean to convert this country into a socialist state, a one party socialist state, with complete and totalitarian control over the lives of every person.

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